
A2A, 38 mile finish line; 2011

Monday, February 6, 2012

Me vs. The Wagon

I've probably mentioned before how much I envy people who are able to stick to the commitment that a healthy lifestyle demands. Me personally? I'm an on again, off again kind of gal... I'll get on board, get used to eating clean and working out - then something will knock me off. Maybe it's the hormone flux that demands to be fed creamy treats, or it's stress at work that makes me polish off a bag of cheetos without even realizing it; ('where the heck did all of this orange powder come from???') or maybe it's just the winter blahs that steal my motivation and turn me into a sloth. Whatever the reason [excuse] it is frustrating as hell.

One thing that knocks me off the nutrition wagon is good ol' boredom. I get stuck in a cooking rut and get burned out. It becomes so much simpler to eat out, order in; fatten up. I try really hard to avoid preparing overly processed foods at home (stuff like hamburger helper - gag) but eating out isn't any better. You simply cannot know what you are putting into your body unless you prepare it yourself... I lose sight of this simple fact quite easily... (And when I stop to really think about it, I get a little queasy...)

But my biggest downfall is sweets. I'm completely okay living without deep fried, fatty foods. I can live without pizza or pasta or bread. I'd have a little trouble giving up tortilla chips and salsa; but I can live without potato chips. Whenever I review my diet to see where the heck I'm screwing up; it's usually something sweet. I've noticed recently that I've become quite addicted to flavored coffee creamers. Because they are so delicious, I've started drinking more coffee. I'm up to 4-5 cups per DAY.

So lets say the average flavored creamer serving size is a tablespoon. In that tiny little amount, you have 35 calories, 5 grams carb, 2 grams of fat, and 5 grams of sugar. I usually dump 2-3 tablespoons per cup. So if I've had 5 cups of coffee, I've consumed 175 calories, 25 grams of carbs, 10 grams of fat; and 25 grams of sugar: JUST from the damn coffee creamer... That is a LOT of crap to be taking in with absolutely NO nutritional value! It's all mental and it's a vicious cycle. This is what I've noticed - I get a caffeine/sugar high; followed by a crash. I feed in more sugar/caffeine and ride the cycle again: crash harder. I've been feeling like shit lately. No wonder I don't have any energy to work out!

So. I have caught back up with the wagon. I've realized once again that I have to pay attention to what I'm putting into my body - I can't just randomly eat. I'm back to tracking my meals on, focusing on eating quality proteins, carbs, and vegetables while keeping my sugar intake as low as possible. This morning I had 1 1/2 cups of coffee w/ non-fat half and half and sugar in the raw. It wasn't nearly as delicious as the flavored creamer but my taste buds will adapt.

I have race season coming up. I have set some pretty lofty goals. In the months ahead I will be placing demands on my body that I cannot possibly expect it to live up to unless I give it what it needs to perform. Nutrition. Vitamins. Water. Exercise. Sleep....

Below is a photo of one of my role models; Debbie Rice. She is amazing. If I ever look half as good as she does in a skinsuit then I'll wear one to work!! :)

Yesterday I lifted weights and began tweaking my diet. Today is day 2...

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