
A2A, 38 mile finish line; 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Good days and bad days.

I skated twice this past weekend since I had a three day weekend, I went for a 30.81 mile skate on Friday and a 21.72 mile skate on Sunday. Sunday was an excellent day. Friday was crap.

Friday morning I was already expecting rough trail conditions due to the massive rain from the night before, so I should have played it safe and stuck to familiar terrain. But a trail leading west had just opened after some construction and I was anxious to go exploring. I used to ride my bike that way a long time ago and was eager to see what kinds of memories would come flooding back while skating the trail. I veered west at the junction where I normally go east at the 7 mile point of my usual skate and I was filled with happy anticipation.

This was short lived when I hit the first wet wooden bridge. (Lets just say I'm lucky I'm flexible.) That was the first of three wet bridges that almost took me out. Things levelled out and I finally hit the newly paved portion of the trail that went through Bear Creek Park. That part was really nice: and lasted about 3 minutes. After heading under the Sheridan bridge I hit some seriously horrible conditions and almost wiped out a few more times. (Torn up asphalt, major patches of mud and sand, sticks, cars; etc.) Skating along at 5 mph was the polar opposite of fun so after about 3 1/2 miles I turned and headed back. I was dreading the wet bridges because one of them was at the bottom of a steep hill. I gingerly made it over the last bridge, and headed back to familiar territory.

The trail was so bad; gravel, sand, rocks, twigs, and geese. (yes, geese.) I've had skater vs. fowl near misses before but this was the closest one ever. and the best part is I almost hit the same goose twice! By the time I finished up and limped home, my mph average was shot, (12 mph) I was tired and sore (from doing the splits every time I hit a twig or pebble) and I was in a really bad mood. I did the usual 'at least I got out there' and took a nice hot shower as soon as I got home. Lesson learned; leave the trail exploration for when I'm on foot or on a bike. (Obviously my memories of that trail were spotty!!)

Sunday morning dawned overcast and a little cool. My favorite skating weather. I headed out with the goal of focusing on form and trying not to wipe out; and it turned out to be one of the best skates I've had this season. I flew along w/ a 14 mph hour average. My form felt great, and the speed came almost effortlessly. I did my sprints and managed to maintain the higher speeds for longer periods of time. I felt that exhilarating high that I get when I'm having a good skate and that made me happy. I passed cyclists - hell, I left them in the dust like they were standing still! Several of them even commented on it, and it made me feel great! I finally feel like I'm gaining the stamina and speed that I so greatly desire. The way I feel after a skate like that is why I keep going back for more. I always say that getting in shape is just a side effect of my drug!

As of 7/10/11 I am at 721 miles skated. My best half marathon time is 54:08. My best marathon time is still 1:57:07 but I hope to change that this weekend. I have 24 more days until St. Paul and I am SO excited!!! The good skate days definitely outweigh the bad skate days and when it really comes down to it; any time spent skating sure beats being at work!!!

I believe I will hit my goal of 1000 miles by the end of next month; so once again I will be making some new goals. This is the best skate season ever!

This is a picture of a hill that I absolutely love to sprint up! I don't care how tired I am, as soon as I hit the bottom of this hill, I try to see how fast I can get up it... :)

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