
A2A, 38 mile finish line; 2011

Thursday, March 22, 2012

In Full On Training Mode!

I love this picture. I don't know how many times during a workout I've felt like I was going to barf, pass out, or DIE. But I didn't. And I kept going. Like Tuesday for example. It was too cold to skate so I half-heartedly headed to the gym for a boring treadmill workout. I wasn't into it at all. I told myself I would do 'at least' 15 minutes. I tried to run but only made it about half a mile so decided to walk... Then I kicked it on random to at least give me some hills to trudge up... When I hit 15 minutes, I decided I could go another 5 minutes... At 20 minutes I figured what the hell - lets go to 30... At 30 minutes I figured I could manage another 15... and at 45 minutes I suddenly felt the urge to run; so I ran for 15 more minutes. And that is how a 15 minute workout turned into an hour. And I felt worlds better at the end of it.

I am happy to report that I have finally found my groove. My winter blues are GONE and I am fully into my routine. (Hallelujah, I was beginning to worry!) The week after my crash I took it easy; but I did some form of cardio every single day. Then I started hitting the weights. 3 days a week - Mon/Wed/Fri: those are my weight training days, no matter what. We have a decent gym here at work, so I go workout for an hour, and if the weather is nice I skate after work too! (I just make sure to pack enough food to support that much activity.) I call those days 'twofers' and I did one yesterday.

My workouts usually start w/ 20-30 minutes of running on the treadmill. (I used to just do a 5 minute treadmill warm up.) Afterwards it's 25-30 minutes of weights. I try to skate Tue/Thur/Sat and/or Sun; but like I said, if the weather dictates I skate on a weight day; then I just do a twofer. The ideal is to skate 3-4 times a week but it's springtime in the rockies - which means unpredictable weather and lots and lots of wind... I'm really trying to change my relationship to the wind - to view it as a training tool but I really, really hate it. I can't tell you how many times I've found myself skating full on into 25 mph wind with tears streaming down my face and swear words streaming out of my mouth because I feel like I'm not even moving!! But I know in the end it will make me a stronger skater.

I've been out skating about 5 times since my crash, and the trepidation has passed! I am not feeling anxiety or fear anymore when I go out. This is a HUGE relief - there is no room for fear in speed skating. (A healthy dose of vigilance perhaps; but not fear.) I made a deal with myself to do 2 weeks of 'short' skate outings (15 miles or less; preferably less) building up to the longer outings. I am hoping to get a nice 25 + mile skate in this weekend. The Texas Road Rash is exactly ONE MONTH from today, and I still have a lot of work to do. I am still set to skate that one in the pro master's division so I need to make sure I at least show up for it!!!

I'm doing pretty good with nutrition - and that's usually the hardest part of it for me! But I have a good meal plan that works with what I do every day, and I always make sure to provide my body with recovery fluids after a workout. (It really does make a difference as far as muscle soreness.) I do not fear food and I know on days when I'm doing a twofer that I'm going to blast through some serious calories, so it's okay to add a couple more snacks and an extra carb in there. Food = fuel. Need it to succeed.

So that's where I am right now. Prepping for my first race and absolutely stoked for the 2012 skate season!

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